Deliberate Words
by Conspectus, Inc. - decision managers, word masters, aggregators. There is tremendous power in a word that is perfectly placed at the best location, at the best time, during the design and construction process of a project. Deliberate words can manage success, build trust, and provide transparency that every member of the project team craves. As decision managers of the team, Conspectus explores the notion of how transparency transforms three main components of every project: behavior, content, and outcomes, through the appropriate usage of words. Behavior of every participant, is the foundation communication and collaboration, through deliberate words. It will transform the team, and build strong relationships. Content, the documentation built on these relationships, containing deliberate words, is then transformed. The outcome is a successful project, with a legacy of ultimate collaboration. Join us as we chat with members of the architectural, engineering, construction, and owner communities to learn how deliberate word shape their contributions, their projects, and their world! Through these conversations, words aggregate decisions, and transforms perspectives on transparency in the decision-making process.
Deliberate Words
Spill it! What happened at the Design Build Conference? Welcome back Brian Skripac VDC for the DBIA
Have you been to a DBIA conference? Ever wonder what it is about and what you can experience as an attendee? In this episode we welcome back Brian Skripac, the director of Virtual Design and Construction for the DBIA, to provide a recap on the most recent conference that took place last month in November. The association added VDC as a new track, and it is quite interesting to get the behind-the-scenes knowledge to understand how they structure sessions for ultimate benefit to the attendees. Our St. Louis senior specifier and executive vice president, Steve Gantner also attend the conference, and together they cover the highlights and awesome nuggets they gathered from the event.