Deliberate Words
by Conspectus, Inc. - decision managers, word masters, aggregators. There is tremendous power in a word that is perfectly placed at the best location, at the best time, during the design and construction process of a project. Deliberate words can manage success, build trust, and provide transparency that every member of the project team craves. As decision managers of the team, Conspectus explores the notion of how transparency transforms three main components of every project: behavior, content, and outcomes, through the appropriate usage of words. Behavior of every participant, is the foundation communication and collaboration, through deliberate words. It will transform the team, and build strong relationships. Content, the documentation built on these relationships, containing deliberate words, is then transformed. The outcome is a successful project, with a legacy of ultimate collaboration. Join us as we chat with members of the architectural, engineering, construction, and owner communities to learn how deliberate word shape their contributions, their projects, and their world! Through these conversations, words aggregate decisions, and transforms perspectives on transparency in the decision-making process.
Deliberate Words
Crunching Contracts, The Intersection of AI and Assessing Risk - Featuring Josh Levy
Does the construction industry need more attorneys, or do we simply need contractors to better understand the construction contract process? Josh Levy, CEO of Document Crunch and an attorney, believes it's all about understanding the process rather than hiring more lawyers. He offers deep insights into how they are helping project teams navigate the complex area of construction contracts.
Many individuals are passionate about improving the construction industry through their expertise. In this episode, you will feel Josh's immense passion for making the industry safer and better through risk assessment and the negotiation process of construction contracts. Think it sounds dull? Trust me, this episode is anything but! Josh openly admits he's not a tech guy, even though Document Crunch is a leading AI company. For them, technology is secondary to solving contract compliance issues in the construction industry. We MUST reduce risk through proper assessment, understand proper negotiations, and educate project teams on contract obligations. How can the project team be supported? Let's dive into Dave and Steve’s conversation with Josh Levy to find out how Crunching Contracts is the Intersection of AI and Assessing Risk.