Deliberate Words

MEGA Collaboration on MEGA Projects Ensures Certainty featuring Michael Dubreuil of PTAG

David Stutzman and Steve Gantner Season 5 Episode 1

As a new year kicks off, it is natural to look ahead with a bit, or a lot, of uncertainty.  What risks lie ahead and how can they be managed?  We invite Michael Dubreuil, managing partner of PTAG, to join us on to the show.  He works on projects that can span decades!

In this episode, Michael dives into collaborative contracting, which basically is IPD (integrated project delivery) on steroids.  This powerful method of contracting provides balance, stability, and trust in the project team, providing confidence in risk sharing and management.  Have you ever wondered how oil and gas projects, or nuclear projects get built? Let’s learn how MEGA collaboration on MEGA projects defines certainty in any situation.